My Exhilarating Reading Adventure Project


I chose to make a game because the story that I chose to read has a specific quest that Percy had to finish. Percy has a goal that he needs to accomplish which aligns with how a game is typically created. I had never made a game before and I thought it would be fun to do.
Well in the book that I read, Percy Jackson The Lightning Thief, Percy goes on a quest. I thought that putting a quest into a board game would be a lot easier than putting random things from the book. In a board game, you have to follow rules and this is similar in a quest. For example, in Percy Jackson The Lightning Thief, he had to find the Thunderbolt. In my board game, I put that in, so every time you make it to the end of the board, you get 1 lightning bolt. When you get three lightning bolts this equals 1 Thunderbolt. That was the point of his quest in the book.
I also included some problems that he faced before and after the quest that can create a conflict inside of the board game to make it more fun and easier to understand. One problem he faced was his friend Grover had a pair of flying shoes that had been cursed. So in the game, I put flying shoe tiles and a card deck that is mostly bad. So the players would have a challenge to overcome.
Now you need to know a quick summary of the book because if you’re going to understand what is going to happen in the board game you need to understand the book. If you would like to read the book, I suggest clicking this link here which will lead to the audiobook on YouTube.
Next time I would create the board first, prior to writing the rules. I would make this change because it would lead to less writing. I had to rewrite the entire list of rules after I made changes. I would also take more notes while I was reading. If I took notes while I was reading, the questions would be easier to answer.

The Rules
Set up the lightning bolts on the end tile and place all the card decks in the middle of the board. Each player grabs a character and places it on the start tile. The first one to make it to the end tile 3 times wins the game. How you keep track is every time you land on the end tile you get a lightning bolt. But if you land on one of the marked tiles, you pick up the corresponding card and read what it says on it. The card could be good or it could be bad. For example, you can move back 3 spaces or go ahead 3 spaces and there are lots of other things that could happen. If you get a lucky card, (it’s always good when you land on the lucky card) go to the lucky card pile, pick up a card and read what’s on it. Do what the card says to do, once you’ve done that, you’re done your turn and then it goes on to the next person. However, another thing that could happen is if you just land on a blank tile nothing happens. You give the dice to the next person. They roll and go that number of spaces. Then there are flying shoe tiles. If you land on one of them, pick up a card from the flying shoes deck. That is all the rules now have fun!

Here are some pics of my game:


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