Unicorn Mania Innovation Day Project

Unicorn Mania was Zoe and I’s innovation day project for this project we were tasked to fit as many simple machines as possible. This was the final project for our simple machines unit. To make our sled it took a process of six weeks.

One thing that surprised me in this processĀ  was the amount of work that it ended up being it was certainly a much different process then what we had done in the other years because of the transition to the design thinking method it was harder to juggle what section to focus on more. For example Zoe and I spent too much time focusing on the define and emphasize portion and not enough the Ideate section and that caused us to lose marks in that portion.

In the future I think we should invest our time equally into each section and focus more on the things that we struggle with and not take the easy way out. Another thing I think Zoe and I can do better in the future is checking in more on the rubric and try not to miss a section.

Here is a photo of our project:

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